Monday, June 19, 2006

UniCare Sound Quoting

Medequote is providing online quoting and applications for UniCare Sound Health Plans on their websites. The plans offer Unlimited Doc visits, ER, RX, Dental, and Vision in one slick package.
The plans are available at

The plans are very popular among students in Illinois, and Texas. If you are graduating this is exactly the plan you need as you enter the real world and are dropped by your parents policy. Don't go without coverage, don't take the risk. Consider this, a ruptured appendix could cost you $30,000, where are you going to come up with that type of money? With UniCare Sound the most you will ever pay is the deductible, that's right no co insurance, all Sound Plans are 100% after you fulfil the deductible. You have a choice of three deductibles, $1500, $3000, and $5000. Paying any of those amounts and getting the care you need from the provider of your choice is a lot better choice. The plan only cost's $60 - $114 per month depending on how old you are, and where you live.

So anyway, what are you waiting for?

Don't take the risk, get a UniCare Sounf Health Plan today!

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