Friday, June 02, 2006

AMA mulls backing limits on TV drug ads

Once again, the American Medical Association will consider backing a government moratorium on pharmaceutical advertising to consumers.The largest U.S. doctor group will ask its members at its annual meeting later this month to put its considerable lobbying clout behind federal regulations that would greatly limit television commercials targeted at consumers once drugs are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.Last year the AMA stopped short of backing a moratorium at its annual policymaking House of Delegates meeting in favor of more study. The study, now complete, advises AMA delegates to support a "time interval" that would put an unspecified amount of time between a drug's approval and when a company could begin advertising to consumers, specifically on television.

Medequote feels that drug advertising leads to one thing, higher drug sales, and that is why the companies are doing it. People watch TV, self diagnose themselves then go to the doctor to ask for a prescription. What this is doing is fueling the increase in the cost of health insurance. Funny but there is a collorary between the advent of drug company advertising and the increase in medical insurance rates over the last decade.

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