Monday, June 12, 2006

MedeQuote introduces New UniCare Sound WebSales Site

The Medequote Agency of Chicago announced today that they have opened an exclusive UniCare only Website for the new and popular UniCare Sound health plan. The Sound plan is designed for young singles between the age's of 18-30, but many healthy singles into their 50's are opting for the attractive health plan. The website at is a one step portal to getting all the information you need concerning UniCare Sound.

John Berkowitz of Medequote commented "The plans are very attractive and popular in Texas, and Illinois were they are marketed. We expect UniCare to continue to roll out the product in new states over the next couple of years. They are expanding the Tonik brand also for their BCBS affiliates, but after that they will concentrate on opening more states for UniCare. Having a site devoted to this product makes a lot of sense to me as it becomes more popular. This allows us to concentrate on other areas outside of Illinois.

Sound is designed for healthy, single, young adults, and it comes in three deductibles, $1500, $3000, and $5000. All plans include preventative, unlimited Dr visits, Rx, and ER. As an added bonus it includes dental and vision.

To find out more about the new UniCare Sound product visit

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