Friday, July 28, 2006

UniCare Sound Plans

UniCare Sound Health Plans are a new product for resident of Illinois, and Texas. The plan has proven to be the most popular plan in whatever area it is marketed in. Simply put it is the best deal in health insurance today.

UniCare's Sound Health Plan is the perfect plan if you are single, between the ages of 18-40, and live in Illinois, or Texas. It is the perfect student health plan, the perfect plan while you are waiting for the next job, the perfect plan for when you are single, and it is real health insurance that limits your losses to the deductible.

Sound is Health coverage for your body, eyes, teeth. You know, the important stuff. Three simple health insurance plans, one just your flavor. Apply online, that's it. No catches, no wasted time.

Brought to you by your tight bud's at UniCare Health Insurance Company of the Midwest.

How Much you Could Save?

Sure, paying for health insurance is a pain. But not having it can hurt a lot more. Accidents and illness can happen even if you think you are invincible. You blow out a knee, or have appendicitis, your faced with a $30,000 hospital bill, but with Unicare Sound you will only pay $1,500 to $5,000 for the year depending on the plan you choose to get rid of that bill.
What's the Deal?
Here it is. Health insurance, straight up. Three plans. Same all-around coverage: preventive, emergency, Rx, eyes, teeth.

Compare Plans

See how much you can save. Pick the plan that fits. Then go play. The differences: What you pay, the deductible. We pay the rest at 100% with no hassles, or paperwork.

Gravity Bender...A.K.A. 5000

You live life on the edge, and happily go over it.

In network: unlimited doctor visits per year
$40 co-pay
Dental, Vision, Rx, ER, Preventative
$5,000 annual deductible
$67-$91 per month
Apply Online at

Curb Jumper...A.K.A. 3000

Play hard. Play safe. You mix it up any which way.

In network: unlimited doctor visits per year
$40 co-pay
Dental, Vison, Rx, ER, Preventative
$3,000 annual deductible
$67-$91 per month
Apply online at

The Cruiser...A.K.A. 1500

A well-thought-out walk on the wild side is just your style.

In network: Unlimited doctor visits per year
$40 co-pay
Dental, Vision, Rx, ER, Wellness, Preventative
$1,500 annual deductible
$85-$114 per month
Apply Online at

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